Instructions for Authors
Reviewing Process
All submissions are subject to editorial approval and are refereed through a double-blind reviewing process anonymously, objectively, and independently.
On the basis of reviews, the Editor in Chief may accept the paper, request that minor or major revisions and amendments be made or reject the paper. Should major revisions and amendments be requested, the paper will be subjected to second round review. In case of conflicting reviews, a third expert is consulted. The manuscripts can be categorized as original scientific articles, preliminary communications, review articles and professional papers.
General guidelines
Papers are published primarily in English language, only exceptionally in Croatian language if justified by the specificity of the topic. Authors who choose to submit papers in Croatian language should provide Editorial with the short explanation of justifiability. The journal is primarily oriented on the region of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), but contributions from all countries are welcomed.
Papers need to be written in Standard English, with title, abstracts and keywords (3 to 6 keywords) written in both English and Croatian. The Editorial Board will provide translation of the title, abstract and keywords to the authors whose mother tongue is not Croatian.
Any paper (including abstracts, tables, graphics and references) should consist of no fewer than 4 500 and no more than 7 500 words. The paper should be written in third person singular (body text as well as abstracts in English and Croatian). If abbreviations are used, it is always necessary to specify full name in the first mentioning.
Layout guidelines
Page format: The paper should be formatted on 210 x 297 mm sheets (A4 format). Set margins to: top – 5.7 cm, bottom - 6 cm, left – 4.5 cm and right – 4 cm. The text needs to be justified to the margins both left and right. Do not number the pages.
Font size: Times (Dutch) 10
Line spacing: 1.5
Text of the paper
First page (in English): On the first page of article, name the title of the article, name and surname of author(s) with respective academic titles, positions, affiliations and contact information. Follow with abstract and keywords.
Abstract: The abstract should portray an essential overview of the article (information that is methodological in character and explains the study results) and must be brief (up to 250 words) written in the third form. Write concisely and clearly. The abstract follows the heading. Abstract should state the following:
Purpose - what are the reasons for writing the paper and/or the aims of the research.
Design/Methodology/Approach - what methods and approaches have been used for the research.
Findings and implications - what are the paper’s most important findings, what are the main theoretical and/or managerial implications.
Limitations - identify limitations in the research process.
Originality - what is novel in the paper, what is the value of the research.
Keywords: provide 3 to 6 keywords.
Second page (in Croatian): Name the title of the article, give abstract and keywords.
Body text of the paper: The body text of the paper should be divided into chapters. Number headings and sub-headings in logical manner. Italic and bold options are not recommended, unless author(s) want(s) to emphasize certain parts of the text. If abbreviations are used, it is always necessary to specify full name in the first mentioning.
Pictures, tables and graphs: All pictures, tables and graphs must be clearly presented. Each picture, table and graph must have its number and title written above and source beneath the figure. If they are forwarded on separate sheets, their place in the paper must be duly noted.
Bibliography: Full list of used references must be noted at the end of the article, in alphabetical order of first author's surname. Prepare references according to the Harvard referencing. The list of references is required to include assigned Cross Ref DOI numbers if applicable.
We kindly invite interested authors who wish to publish their work with our Journal, to submit their papers electronically to the following e-mail address: The journal is issued twice a year, however the submission process is open all year round.
Publishing Ethics
"Poslovna izvrsnost - Business Excellence" journal accepts previously unpublished papers. The submissions of the same paper concurrently to more than one journal is not accepted manner of behaviour and will not be tolerated. Authors of accepted and categorized paper, which is to be published in "Poslovna izvrsnost - Business Excellence" journal, are not allowed to publish the paper in the identical form at any other place without previous permission of the Editorial Board. When further publication is permitted by Editorial Board, author should state where the paper is originally published.
The originality of the papers is verified by using the Turnitin software.
Before submitting a paper, authors are kindly asked to study the Editorial Policy and Ethical and Malpractice Policy.
Copyrights and licensing
The journal "Poslovna izvrsnost - Business Excellence" provides open access to academic papers immediately after their publication. There are no author charges prior or post to publication, and no charge for readers to download articles.
The authors retain the copyright and assign the publisher the right of priority to publish their paper. The licensee is the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Zagreb, Croatia.
The full text of the articles published in this journal may be used for any purpose free of charge, subject to the copyright of the author and publisher. The rights to use the works are defined by the Creative Commons CC BY-NC 4.0 license. Users may read, download, copy, distribute, print, process or use the works in other legal ways for free, with the correct indication of the original source and non-commercial purpose of use.
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